Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The high fructose corn syrup debate

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a large topic of debate in nutrition circles lately. And frankly it drives me nuts. I was furious with the ads from the Corn Refiners Association came out saying HFCS isn't that bad. 

Here are some of their arguments: 
  • The American Medical Association (AMA) recently concluded that "high fructose corn syrup does not appear to contribute to obesity more than any other caloric sweeteners."
  • Research confirms that HFCS is safe and nutritionally the same as table sugar
  • HFCS has the same calories as table sugar. 
  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration  claims HFCS is "generally recognized as safe."
  • HFCS keeps foods fresh, enhances flavors, retains moisture and maintains consistent flavors. 
Here is where I get on my soap box. 

As to the comment from the AMA, "does not appear" is the biggest research copout trick out there. No one ever said it was worse than those other sweeteners, so that argument is irrelevant. And comparing it to table sugar doesn't make too much sense either, considering studies are showing that too much of that is bad for us too. 

I am sure that the corn syrup part isn't all that bad. It is the high fructose part and what they had to do to alter it thats makes me check my food labels twice. Its a preservative! How can that be good to eat? Our bodies were designed to eat fresh food, not chemicals to make it last longer so that the companies can make a buck. 

Their main argument is it's fine in moderation but frankly, it seems as a culture, moderation has left our vocabulary. Most things are fine in moderation, but it is the keeping it in moderation part that is tricky. 

Here are some of the ads that ran about high fructose corn syrup. 

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